Kwik Kleaning Services

Vac FAQs
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Vac FAQs

-Don't wait until you smell burning rubber, or break a belt to replace it. Over time the belt will stretch and wear, and not be able to turn the brushroll as well, thus decreasing its cleaning ability. Replace the belt every 3 months in order to maximize the cleaning ability of your Vacuum Cleaner.

-Don't wait until your vac's bag is full to replace it. dirt and dust will clog up the "pores" of the paper vacuum bag and decrease your vacuum's cleaning and suction. It is reccomended to replace the bag 1-2 times every 6 months, more or less depending on the usage of your vacuum.

-Like any other machine, a well serviced machine is much more effective at doing its job. A vacuum cleaner is no different. We suggust that your vacuum cleaner should be brought in to our shop every 6 months for a full tune-up; we will inspect your machine and look for any bad wiring, rips in the cord, we'll throroughly clean your vacuum cleaner, replace the belt, the bag and the filters where applicable. We will give you a FREE ESTIMATE first, so that you can make an informed decision on whether to have this service done, or if its time to upgrade to a newer vacuum cleaner.

Why is it good to vacuum your carpets???

- Carpet is one of the largest investments in your home. A good vacuum cleaner extends the life of your carpet.

- Vacuuming helps control the carpet & dust mite population. These extremely small bugs thrive on carpet fibers, dust particles and skin particles.

- Vacuuming is important to help control pet dander and asthmatic reactions.

- Periodic vacuuming can also improve your indoor air quality, IF you keep your machine tuned-up well.

What does Amps REALLY measure??

Amps are a measurement of the amount of electricity used by the motor. The cleaning ability is based on how much air flow the vacuum makes. A larger, more efficient fan can produce more airflow using less amps.

If you have any other questions please feel free to come into our store, or contact us at the phone number at the top and bottom of this page.

Kwik Kleaning Services 3024 Hunsinger Lane Louisville, KY 40220 (502)451-7399